Oh you guys. Are we still being comment shy?! You know, you can’t hide from us. We had over 400 views yesterday so we know you’re here! ;) Silly. Don’t be shy! Introduce yourself! We love making new friends! In fact, we can do some sort of bribery comment drawing. We’ll choose a random comment and send you the guarded-top-secret-wonderfully-delicious-recipe for our Grandma’s Peanut Butter Fingers--just for commenting!! Trust me, the recipe is fabulous. It’s a huge crowd pleaser. mmm…delish! Whaddya think? Sound fun?
Anywho, onto today’s post…
Remember how I mentioned our most favorite and fabulous cousin, Becky, is having her third boy?
Well, a few days ago on Pinterest, I saw that she had pinned these little cuties:

These are cute little diaper clutches. She had typed in “could possibly make.” Well, Becky, you can, and I’ll show you how! :)

My clutch is slightly different. Mine includes the changing pad. This clutch has come in handy for me on several occasions. It’s perfect for when you need to take The Babesters out of the Church meeting for a diaper change, but you still need to leave the diaper bag and all of it’s goodies to keep the other kiddos entertained.
For this project, you’ll need:

17”x 22” rectangle of medium loft batting
44”x 32” rectangle of your choice of fabric. Fold it and press it to make it 22”x 32”.
6”x 12” rectangle of fabric (this will be your closure strap)
2 packages of double fold bias tape
fabric marking pen
thread, pins, sewing machine, ruler, iron, scissors, buttons and any other embellishments you might want to add.
Start by pressing your 6”x 12” rectangle in half lengthwise. It should now be 3”x 12.”

Next, use a bowl to make rounded edges on the top of the clutch-the 22” part. Don’t do it on the bottom yet. The bottom will be folded up to make the pockets, and you don’t want those corners rounded off. If you accidentally do this (like I did…) just go with it and try to make it look like it was intentional!

Open up your folded piece of fabric after you’ve rounded off the top corners. Lay your batting on the wrong side of the fabric and smooth it out. Bring the top of the changing pad over the batting. *note that the pockets won’t have batting in them, so your batting will be considerably smaller than the fabric. Mkay. Moving on.

Get a ruler and a fabric marker and mark where you’re going to quilt the changing pad. Use safety pins to hold all of your layers of fabric and batting together. DO NOT sew over safety pins. It is dangerous, and it is impossible to get them out once you’ve sewn over them. Do I know this from experience?! Erm…of course not!! ;) Look closely and you’ll see that I’ve safely safety pinned the layers in the middle of the squares.

Quilt your changing pad on the sewing machine. Once you’ve quilted your changing pad, trim off the excess batting.

Sew some bias tape along the bottom of the changing pad. Fold it up to where the batting ends. Sew along the edges and down the middle. Now you’ve got two pockets for holding diapers, wipes, and whatever else you need for successful diaper changes. Possibly a face mask? A straight jacket to keep your wiggly baby still?

Now it’s time to round off the bottom corners.

Baste the bias tape along all the outside edges. This will give the changing pad a smooth binding. Then sew it down with your sewing machine. Get crazy with decorative stitches. It will be fun! Once that is sewn, remove your hand stitching. Don’t look at my rounded pocket in the next picture.
You looked at it, didn’t you?! Now take your strap and sew the bias tape around that too. It should look like this:

Now it’s time to add the Velcro to the strap.

Sew a big button to the top of the other side.

Now take some bias tape and sew it into a strip. This will be the loop that the Velcro strip wraps around to keep the clutch closed.

Sew the Velcro strap and the bias tape loop on both sides of the top of the changing pad-the 22” side without pockets.

Now you’re ready to use your changing pad clutch! Stuff the pockets with all your diapering necessities and lay your baby on the changing pad. Change baby’s diaper. Repeat as often as necessary.

Need help folding the changing pad clutch? First, remove the baby. The clutch WILL NOT fold properly with the baby inside. ;)

Now you have a cute diaper clutch that is also a changing pad. This will make diapering in public places a little easier. Another perk of this cute changing pad clutch? It’s 100% washable! It’s super soft. It’s way more comfortable than the vinyl wipe-able changing pads you can can buy. They also make great baby gifts!

Happy sewing!
P.S. Don’t forget to leave a comment! :)