Here is one of the projects I showed you a sneak peek of last week. It looked like this:
I have TONS of felt (that whole box on the side is all my felt, and it’s bulging at the seams!), and so I started making some play food for my daughter (mainly so she’d stop getting in my pantry and causing havoc!), and as soon as she figured out what I was doing, she started telling me more and more what she wanted me to make. I have a lot of pictures pinned here that inspired me, and then for specific tutorials I used, I linked up where applicable. It was a lot of just figuring things out as I went. There was whole list here that came in handy too, just in case any of you are
First, the most important (and most fun) food group….Dessert!
I got the ice cream sandwich idea here. My ice cream ended up being super fat, but who doesn’t like a little extra ice cream?
The waffle cone I figured out from here. I thought it was awesome looking!
The inspiration for the cake came from this site. I didn’t do candles like she has, because my daughter has some little pegs she likes to put on things and call candles, so that’s good enough for me! Isn’t it too cute? I love the jumbo ric rac for the frosting. I got it from Pick Your Plum awhile back. (by the way, I'm kinda excited about what I got yesterday from there...Pom pom trim!) It cuts into slices on the bottom layer!
By the way, it’s made around some packing foam from one of the times we’ve moved, cut into shape.
Next, fruits.
Somehow the other half of the peach is missing. But don’t you love the little lemon slice? I did the pineapple similar to this one here.
This was the watermelon inspiration.
Strawberries inspired from here, raspberry came from here. I wanted to do this one, but I didn’t have enough felt in that color. But they did inspire me with the blueberries.
Now, don’t forget to eat your vegetables!
We could get into the discussion of whether the tomato belongs in the fruits or vegetables, but since there’s not very many veggies, it got put there! It’s also my least favorite one I’ve done, so it may get a makeover in the near future….I got the avocado idea from here, and then used that to make the peach.
The pizza is all sewn down. I wasn’t going to deal with little pieces of toppings floating around, getting lost. Same with the syrup and butter. This one helped me with the muffins.
Here’s where I figured out the taco.
Can’t forget our carbs! Cute bowtie pastas!
So, my daughter came in when I was re-finding all of these to link them up, and she started listing more she wanted. She wants goldfish crackers, chips, gingerbread man, a pie, pop tarts, popsicles, hamburger, a hot dog, waffles, corn on the cob, and I want to make another fried egg, another couple of pancakes, and a few more muffins/cupcakes to fill in her pan (it took me a few times at the DI to finally find a mini muffin pan, and they brought it out as I was leaving!)
Now, granted, these are not to scale. Even with each other. The pineapple is tiny, and the blueberries are about to the right size. I really just did what I could with the felt I have. So, it was lots of fun, and I’m sure I’ll still be spending a few nights while watching movies making more of these for my girls to play with! Also I didn’t make certain things because she already has some plastic food to play with. This one:

So I was off the hook for pretzels, sandwich stuff, and a few vegetables/fruits. She wanted me to make her grapes, but I just found that picture and proved to her that I don’t have to make grapes because she has some in her set! Phew! So that’s one of the projects I’ve been working on! Another is done except for one thing, and I haven’t decided if I’ll settle, or hold out. So it may be a little while… Happy Crafting!
Linking up to:
Funky Polkadot Giraffe
I love the felt fruit!!