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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dishtowel Bibs

I don’t know about your kids, but when mine eat, they make a huge mess.

I’ve yet to find a store bought bib that provided adequate coverage.

So, I just made my own.  I mean Monkey’s own…you know what I meant. 

Okay.  Fine.  I’m such a messy eater I wanted it for me. 

There.  I said it.  Are you happy now?  ;)

dishtowel bib text

Start off with some dishtowels, and some neckline ribbing.  The towel I used in this tutorial was a Christmas towel.  :)

I also used up a hooded bath towel and some flannel blankets we weren’t using.

dishtowel bib (3)

I started off by cutting the appliqued design off of the hooded towel and sewed it over the holly on the Christmas towel.

dishtowel bib (8)

Fold the towel about 1/3 of the way down lengthwise.

dishtowel bib (4)

Take a sheet of paper and measure the neck opening of one of your baby’s shirts.  Mark it on the paper, cut it out, and use that as the pattern for the bib.  Now cut it out.

dishtowel bib (5)

Measure out some ribbing that is just a bit smaller than the opening in the towel. 

Sew it into a circle.  Fold it over so that the seam is on the inside.  Now with the right sides together, pin the ribbing to the neck opening on the towel.  Serge or zig-zag stitch so that you’ve still got some stretch in it. 

Press it flat, then lengthen your straight stitch on your sewing machine and top stitch over the serged/zig-zagged stitch.  This is the exact same process we used when we made the Dolman Style Tee, remember?

This is what your bib should look like now:

dishtowel bib (9)

Now, for the others, I hacked up some flannel blankets and towels we weren’t using.  I cut them the same size as a dishtowel.

Then I sewed them together around the outer edges (with the right sides of the blanket and towel facing each other) and left a 4” opening at the bottom.  I trimmed the corners and turned the bib right side out through the opening.  Then I pressed it flat and top stitched around the outer edges and made sure I closed up that hole.

Sorry.  I didn’t take any pictures of that part.  …hanging my head in shame…

Then I just repeated the same process as the dishtowel bib above. 

I was going to have the problem of the fabric shifting in the laundry.  To avoid that, I just cut out some stars and “R’s” (hint: Monkey’s name starts with R) and sewed them to the top of the bibs.

dishtowel bib (19)

Guess what?  These bibs didn’t cost me a thing!  The provide more than adequate coverage for Monkey’s eating messes, AND they’re cute!

dishtowel bib (17)


Apparently they’re comfy, too.

signature nat

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  1. How awesome are these!

    Mrs. Delightful

  2. Simple and easy. Your son is so cute. LOVE the last picture. Very, very sweet!

  3. Very cute I hopped over from cheeriosandlattes. I have taken old t-shirts that we weren't wearing anymore and made bibs that way by lining them with a old towel. That way you already have the neck band :)

    1. Oh and I am your newest follower :) The funny thing is me and my counsin were going to do the same and call ourselves the crafting cousins :)

  4. Featuring your cute bibs on Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL today!

  5. These are so cute and I definitely have some blankies I could use to make them! Yipee! I'd love for you to share this tutorial on my Tuesday Linky Party! I'm a new follower too!


  6. Nice re-purposing! Must make some more bibs for the newest little sprout.


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