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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sewing 101: Taking In An Elastic Waistband

Monkey is skinny.  I’ve mentioned this before.  I also showed you how to make belts for your skinny baby.  But what do you do when their pants don’t have belt loops?

Oh.My.Goodness.  This is so easy it doesn’t even deserve a tutorial.  But, I’ll do it anyway.

elastic waistband text

Keep in mind that you can do this with any elastic waistband.  You can also do it with suit pants and dress pants. 

Measure your victim’s waist and figure out how much of the waistband needs to come off.  Take the pants and fold them on the back seam…you know…the “crack” of the pants.  Measure what needs to come off and mark it with a ruler and a fabric marker.

taking in an elastic waistband (2)

Mark it so you gradually end up with the original “crack seam.”

taking in an elastic waistband (3)

Sew along that line.

taking in an elastic waistband (4)

Then zig-zag around it so your fabric won’t fray.

Or serge it:

taking in an elastic waistband (24)

…whichever you prefer.  If you serged, then you’re done.  If not, then now is the time to cut off the excess fabric.

taking in an elastic waistband (5)

See how easy? 

…and you can’t even tell!

taking in an elastic waistband (6)

…well, maybe a little at the waistband, but who’s going to be looking that closely?

If they do, then they’ll probably just be impressed with your sewing skills!  :)

signature nat

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  1. Great tutorial!

    Mrs. Delightful

  2. Fab!! Thought I was in for a long winded job!

  3. I need a sewing machine. I could do so much for my skinny guy with just this trick.

  4. It's a great idea but what happens if the pants have back pockets? How do make it so they don't look next odd being right next to each other?

    1. Take them in at the side seams rather than the back seam. Takes a little more time, but it's almost the same steps.

  5. Thank you! I barely sew. I think I'm going to give this a try.

  6. I have been dreading taking in a pair of elastic shorts for MONTHS because they're my favorite cozy pair of shorts that are about 3 sizes too big now and I'm not a proficient sewist. Your tutorial was easy to follow and worked beautifully! Now I can wear my shorts again!


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