So we went camping this past week for the first time with 2 kids. The first time in over 2 years. It was lots of fun, but I’m really glad I did some pinning and research beforehand. Now, the 5+ hour drive really wasn’t too bad. I had plenty of good kid snacks right by me in a bag, and could just hand them something when they were asking for food. I had books to read and books on CD for them to listen to. I had kid music I had put on the iPod beforehand. I got sick of that REAL fast, so I put on Disney, because I can never get sick of the classics . Probably the best thing in the car for my 4 year old?
A magnetic doodling thing. She loves this. She will easily sit and draw for at least an hour. It’s awesome. Best 25 cents spent ever. I had some actual coloring books for her too. For the 1 year old, I had some toys and noisy things (like jingling keys, rattles and such) because she tends to like a bunch of noise
Anyway, we made it with no problems (aside from staying at my Grandma’s house & finding out the basement was flooding….Sorry Lisa we couldn’t stop and check it out too much!) and we got to spend the evening with Nat and all her crazy boys. That was lots of fun! Onto the pictures, thanks to Instagram:
While hiking, the kidlets did best if we let them get out and do things on the trail, like arrange rocks in lines, biggest to smallest. I don’t know where she gets that crazy OCD from….She also liked to hike every once in awhile until she got tired.
But her favorite, and what she would have been happy doing the ENTIRE TIME was playing in the sand. She was so funny about it. When we got back to our campsite (which was right by the Green river. Super pretty. Literally could have jumped in from the tent.) I gave them buckets and shovels (from the dollar store) and they were entertained the rest of the evening so we could get dinner ready!
By the way, it’s best to make sure your stove works before planning all your meals around having one, and realizing it’s broken the first night!!! ARGH! Thank heavens Moab had the right part and was only a few miles away!
Also, when hiking, if you’re carrying your kids around in backpacks, make sure you’re in shape (I’m not), and that if the baby you’re carrying falls asleep, she can be stabilized so she’s not flopping all around! We ended up kind of tying my jacket to the backpack and tying her down. Hee hee.
She did really well considering, and she took naps in the backpacks. A few times the 4 year old even fell asleep (which is a miracle!) in the car or backpacks too. Anyway, these are only a portion of the awesome pictures from my phone, but enjoy!
The famous Delicate Arch. It was super windy, but gorgeous. There are over 2000 arches there. Isn’t that crazy?
The hubby and the toddler found a lizard and followed it up the rock. Silly people.
And the grand finale, we stopped at Sam Hawk’s Korean restaurant in Provo. Amazing. I love that place. Oh, who cares if we were stinky and greasy and dirty. We had delicious food! We stopped and grabbed the girls some Wendy’s for them to eat and then we enjoyed our delicious lunch/dinner. So good. Anyway, I’m trying hard to get back into project mode, so hopefully Wednesday I’ll have something. Speaking of, I’m hosting a Norwex party at my place in Kaysville, so if any of you are local and want to come party and eat yummy treats, let me know!
Beautiful pictures!! Yes, it would be hard to carry a baby on my back much less myself, kudos to you!!