Okay, this isn’t from Pinterest, but it’s my addiction this week. It’s a free app my husband downloaded here. It’s pretty much addicting. If you have anything Apple (iPhone, iPad, iPod), go download it. And let’s play!

Um, yeah. A guest writer on All Things Thrifty, Sawdust and Embryos, posted this here. They used a projector to match the flowers on their little girls bedding. Awesome!

Okay, these are adorable. And the HUGE plus? My daughters can wear them without the clicking & clacking of their plastic princess shoes. See the tutorial here at U Create.

Is anyone else a little panicked about moving next week and then having to deal with Easter while unpacking? No? Just me? Okay. Well, these cake pops from All Sweet Corner are AD-OR-AB-LE! But I LOVE this Easter basket idea of no candy! Just fun things for them to play with! Over here at Modern Parents, Messy Kids.

Another thing I have GOT to get crackin on. We belong to a church where we have conferences every 6 months. More on that here. It’s 10 hours of listening to inspiring words, but the kidlets are usually less than inspired. I’ve seen these ideas and totally want to do something like this. Bingo and other ideas here. Individual “kits” with treats and busy activities here. And probably my favorite, when a specific person speaks, you get whatever is in their baggy, like a snack, activity, whatever! Found here. Although I’m not sure how well we’ll be watching on Saturday, since the last 5 conferences, we’ve been moving on 4 of them. Wow. We’ll see how this year goes! Anyway, more ideas I’ve pinned here…if interested.
Thanks for reading! Now, I’ve got to go make a Minnie Mouse Princess Birthday cake (what?!?)! Wish me luck!
Come back tomorrow to link up your clothing crafy goodness !!
All my friends are playing draw something, I wish I had something from apple to play too.