
Friday, October 12, 2012

Playing with Fabric

Okay, this isn’t anything new and mind-shattering, but it may help to have a bunch of tutorials all linked up together. First, here’s what I did for my costumes.

Painted Shirt (2)

Take your shirt (which I wanted a brighter yellow, but it is what it is. Tape off what you don’t want painted.

Painted Shirt (4)

Including the sides

Painted Shirt (3)

I used the ruler to get perfectly space, nice straight lines.

Painted Shirt (5)

Get your fabric paint (mine is leftover from this shirt)

Painted Shirt (7)

Put something between your shirt so you don’t get paint on the back, like lots of cereal boxes and envelopes from the recycling

Painted Shirt (6)

Paint your stripes.

Painted Shirt (8)

Let dry for 4 hours flat.

Painted Shirt (9)

Peel up your paint, and voila!

Painted Shirt (1)

Is anyone really not sure what one of our costumes is? I mean, wings, antenna, and now a black and yellow striped shirt? Smile So, here’s more tips and tricks of different fabric things you can do.

Of course, I have to point you towards my post on how to dye fabric. It’s a keeper. Best thing is you can do any color your heart desires. Rit has a whole color dyeing chart on their site to help too.

My friend IRL Natalie has a great tutorial for bleaching awesome shirts. Do some cross and bones, or ghost for Halloween! We actually did this recently for scouts (bless our hearts we’re Webelos leaders together!) First time using freezer paper, and it won’t be the last! Here’s some more bleach tutorials here and here and here from Lil Blue Boo. Don’t be scared of bleach, like I am Smile. It’s fun and dangerous and makes unpredictable colors!

Let me just interject right here that you don’t have to buy ANYTHING for Halloween costumes. Just reuse or refashion what you have. I have a whole board here for Refashioning if you want some ideas, or check out our Tutorials.

How about some glitter? Pretty sure you guys can dream up lots of ideas with glitter, but here’s some shoes glitterized over at Teen Vogue.


I really want to get my hands on some Martha Stewart Craft paint, and think these shoes that Craft Test Dummies showed are perfectly Halloweeny.

What else can you do to make awesome costumes? Let me know what you’ve done or seen!

Halloween Button copy

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