
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halloween Cheapskate

When it comes to Halloween, Ash is the Queen.  She is just incredible.  Way to go, Ash!

I decorate for Halloween.  Well, I haven’t yet, but I will soon.  I have made several Halloween costumes, but even that has slipped the past few years.

Ho hum.

The reason the homemade Halloween costumes have slipped is because I have five boys who are always changing their minds.  They also ALWAYS want to be either a superhero or something scary.

One year, Jingus wanted to be a Power Ranger for Halloween.  I got online and started researching costume ideas.  I had a big plan, but when I went to pick up fabric, I found a (crappy cheap) one at Wal-Mart for $8.00.  That was cheaper than I could make it, so I bought it.  I didn’t love that it was pretty much a one-use costume, but whatever.  Jingus was happy.

Stick with me.  I am going somewhere with all this rambling.

The day after the Power Ranger Halloween, I was at Wal-Mart and all of their costumes were on sale for 90% off. 

WHAT?!  90%?!

Some of the costumes were only $0.50.  I stocked up on all kinds of things for the dress up box.  I came home with a bunch of costumes and accessories, and didn’t spend very much,


I’ve never bought out Wal-Mart like I did that day, but I always hit the Halloween Costume sale the next day.

To this day, not all of our Halloween costumes have even been worn.

So, this is what works for us.  If my kids want to be something that isn’t in the box, we combine different parts from other costumes, and whatever else we have around the house until they are happy.  Jingus and Crocky absolutely love making up their own costumes.

Want another Halloween Cheapskate idea?

Swap with neighbors.  We’ve done this several times, too. 

Invite several friends, their kids, and their Halloween costumes over for a play date.  Borrow costumes from a friend, and loan some to another.  It’s a fun, cheap way to have “new” Halloween costumes without spending anything.

I hope Ash doesn’t disown me now that my Halloween Cheapskate secret is out.  Sorry, Ash!  :)

Oh!  I can’t believe I haven’t posted a single picture!!  Hang on…I’ll hurry and find one to post…


Okay.  I found one.  This is one way I really love to decorate for Halloween.  My boys think it is so much fun!


I just did this with scraps from my scrapbooking paper.  It was a little time consuming, but a lot of fun.

What about you?  How do you celebrate Halloween?

signature nat

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