Maybe having a toddler ask for EVERYTHING at the store, or not wanting to pick up toys, or throwing fits when asked for 300+ time to do something sounds familiar? Well, I was getting tired of it, so I combined a bunch of ideas from Pinterest and came up with a solution, that so far (knock on wood) is working. First off, we had a family meeting to decide on family rules. The kidlets helped come up with them. I printed them up and put them in a thrifted frame.
Then, I came up with chores/jobs that I expect them to do every day, and some extra jobs they can do at their age.
I printed it up, and put it in a matching thrifted frame, and used washi tape to add a little bit of interest to it. Nothing too special, just simple for us. These frames came from the DI with Velcro on the back, so I used these Velcro strips from 3M. So far, I like them.
And hung them where all the family could see them, but it’s not the first thing other people see.
Next, I got a bunch of glass jars (does anyone else save them? No? Well here’s proof to my honey it's not just another hoard) I let the girls pick their colors from my acrylic paints (purple and pink, is anyone really surprised?) and made a few different jars. The first has a chalkboard label and a slit in the top (made a little safer with washi tape) for them to put their tithing in.
The next was just too freakin cute. I saw the idea on Pinterest and just changed it a bit. I cut out vinyl for their first letter of their name, and added cereal box ears, wooden bead legs, pipe cleaner tails, and washi tape snouts.
How adorable are those?!? They don’t have a slit in the top, so they just unscrew the snout to put their money in to save.
Now, all of my hubby’s and mine loose change goes in this jar. I used vinyl and a Cricut to cut out a mustache (from my mom’s cartridge she designed. She’s pretty awesome. It’s called Paper Doll Dress Up), and added the words “my stache” Hee hee, makes me smile whenever I see it
Finally, I got some empty Crystal Light containers, cut slits in the top, and added vinyl with their initial and the words “chore $”. Whenever they do things from the list, they get so much for doing the everyday jobs, and a little bit more for doing the extra jobs. I give them their change as soon as they do the job (from my mustache jar), and then they get to put it in their chore jar. If I have to ask them multiple times to do something, and/or end up doing it myself, they have to pay me the same amount. At the end of the week, we count their money and put some in tithing and the rest in the piggy bank. So far, my oldest has appreciated having a way to get money, and I’m sure once she’s able to buy her first thing, it will come together even more!
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