You know those envelopes you get that feel almost like plastic-y fabric? Well, they are. It’s called Tyvek.

Tyvek melts cool. My sis-in-law was showing me this stuff too. Basically we cut it apart like the picture up there, and painted it.
With a sponge just for funzies.
I cut apart the colors, and layered them on top of each other. I put some sheers and organzas between the layers too. I was keeping it all with pinks, blacks, silvers, and whites. Then, I sewed all the layers together with a crazy stitch.
That’s the under side. I labeled this as no-sew because you don’t have to sew it. I just wanted to try it for the looks.
See the layers? Then, she showed me how she irons it with parchment paper so the stuff doesn’t get on her iron, and melts pieces here and there. I also tried with the heat gun just for fun. Here’s what it looked like when it was finished.
And the back…The black fabric didn’t like melting as much as the other fabrics. It was a thicker satin-y fabric, and had a very high melting point, unlike the rest of the stuff.
Then, I decided I wanted to turn it into usable art for my sewing room.
So, I grabbed a frame from my thrifting stash (what, don’t you have one too?!)
Used the backing to trace some cardboard…
Double layers of cardboard and hot glued them together
Then took them outside on the weeds to spray paint. Nice foot!
Hot glue the cardboard to the back of the frame….(doesn’t the frame look so cool now? I almost went a different color and glaze the details…maybe later!)
And then hot glue the crazy art on top of that
Hammer some nails in where you want. Can you see them?
How about now?
There. That angle worked. I have places for 15 bobbins…with potential for more if I really need them.
Here’s where I’ve been keeping them up til now:
Notice the broken one, and the ones that hang down farther than they should? Only 3 worked….Not helpful…
Nestled in by some empty wooden spools I couldn’t throw away (from my grandma), with my view looking outside! (though it does give off an awkward glare)
By the way, just so I don’t get in trouble….Should probably use the mail you get, and not go steal a bunch of Tyvek envelopes from the USPS. Then they’ll have to raise prices on stamps again, and I don’t want that on my head!
And voila!
Linking up to Tatertots & Jello
I Heart Naptime
Skip to My Lou
House of Hepworths
Brassy Apple
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