
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mesh Candy Cane Wreath

I’m probably one of the last ones in blogland to do this, but I finally made a mesh wreath over Thanksgiving. My MIL had stuff and so we crafted. Basically, you need mesh.
Mesh Wreath (1)
And pins that look like staples AKA fern pins.
Mesh Wreath (4)
And a styrofoam wreath form. I think it 12”. Each roll of mesh is enough for 2 wreaths. So cut it in half. Then pin one unfinished end so the ends are tucked up underneath and the mesh flips over the ugliness.
Mesh Wreath (2)
Then, I figured out where half was of all that mesh and pinned it down halfway on the form.
Mesh Wreath (3)
Then I pinned the other end down making sure it was hidden up underneath, and pinned the rest of the wreath down in fourths. Or quarters. Whatever.
Mesh Wreath (5)
Then I pinned down the last loops in thirds, making sure that I wasn’t pinning them all on top, some were on the side, some where on the inside. Gotta hide that form. You can wrap ribbon around your form beforehand, but white works with the candy cane look.
Mesh Wreath (6)
And then I kept pushing in the staple pins until I liked the overall look.
Mesh Wreath (7)
Now, I need to go to Hobby Lobby. Here's the finished product!

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