
Friday, November 30, 2012

Advent Ideas!

Okay, this is what’s on my mind, so that’s what I’m sharing today. My mom and I were shopping at a boutique and came across some cute little elves. For $2. So we bought one and I’m doing the Elf on the Shelf tradition for the first time with my kids. I think they’ll love it! I first found this because I don’t have the book, (though I did borrow it from the library) and really like how she explains the elf, Santa, and Jesus.

I just finished typing up my letter! Then, I’ll wrap it all up to be delivered tomorrow! Over at A Small Snippet

Do you want more Elf on the Shelf ideas? I’ve rounded up a few. I’ll just give you the links:

This is a ready-to-print calendar, granted it’s last year, I’ll do a little digging for this year…

She has links to others, apparently some are quite risqué. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Another calendar. And one for this year here.

A site dedicated just to Elf on the Shelf ideas

TONS of ideas

Has my favorite one of painting their noses red and telling them to look in the mirrorSmile

Onto other ideas:

Over at I Heart Nap Time she did an advent calendar and gives 25 ideas of service to do with your family.

Over at Crap I’ve Made gives a huge list of ideas for advent calendars.

Here’s my advent calendar from last year that I need to pull out and go through and update.

This is one I’m trying to get ready before Saturday. You wrap up 25 different Christmas books and your kids get to open 1 a day. I’m throwing in a few holiday movies too. Fun!

Good luck getting your things ready for tomorrow!!

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