
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It’s Independence Day

K, so you saw the skirts I made for my girlies here. I found this awesome knit fabric from the stuff I received from my grandma while I was making their skirts, and it just screamed at me to make something. There wasn’t a ton, so I decided to make a tank like this one that I thrifted for a few bucks. Isn’t it fabulous? It’s inside out, so it’s black and white, but I love it. So I just laid it out, stretched out the parts that needed it, and cut out the fabric.
4th Tank (2)
I used navy for the bottom band, and white knit bias tape for the arm holes.
4th Tank (1)
I didn’t do a bunch of pictures, because this is more of a What I Wore for the Fourth, than a tutorial. Anyway, after I sewed on the band at the top (shoulder/neck part) I wasn’t completely in love, so I cut some 2” thick strips and braided them together, then hand-sewed them onto the top.

4th Tank (5)

What do you think?
4th Tank (7)

In the spirit of a true WIW, the top is made, the shorts from Kohl's, the earrings from Target, and the sparkle flip flops from Aeropostale, I think.

4th Tank (9)4th Tank (6)
Aren’t we just a patriotic family?
4th Tank (11)
I also had gotten a bag of hand-me-downs for my girls from a friend, and there was a flag top that was super stained, so I cut out the rhinestones, sewed the bottom part of a pair of jeans I cut off, and made the girls a little purse to hold candy at the parade.

Flag Purse(2)

Flag Purse

Patriotic down to our toes! with flip flop tan lines!

Patriotic Toes

Happy Fourth! Enjoy time with family!

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