
Saturday, February 18, 2012

What I Wore Sunday: Week 4

…and our winner for the $20.00 gift certificate to The Bowlicious Bowtique!

According to the winner is…



Way to go, #15, a.k.a. Debra!

Debra Feb 13, 2012 08:09 PM

I mentioned it on facebook

Congrats, Debra!  Email us at 2craftycousins(at)gmail(dot)com and we’ll let you know what you need to do from here!  Happy shopping!

Now onto What I Wore Sunday…

frame to match teal and white

…52 weeks of shaking up the wardrobe…

The Rules:

  1. Wear a different outfit every Sunday.

  2. Incorporate at least one article of clothing or accessory that was either refashioned, sewn myself, or handmade.

  3. Outfits can be worn more than once; just not the same way.

  4. Think outside the box and be creative!

For Week #4 (last Sunday) I wore this to Church:

week 4

You have to have known that was coming!  See my tutorial for the sweater refashion here.

I also refashioned the tee shirt.  The tutorial on that will come soon.  Don’t panic!  :)

What did you wear Sunday?!

signature nat


  1. I can't remember what I wore on Sunday. lol It was definitely my grey skirt--I know that because I've worn that same grey skirt every Sunday this year (it's all I've got to go with my black tights and black boots and let's just say it's not safe to bare any part of my legs right now).

  2. I love the cream shirt! Very nice! I am so excited about winning the giveaway! Thanks for hosting!


Thanks so much for taking a minute to let us know what you think! We read and appreciate all of your comments!