
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kindle Case & Printable

We've been updating a few things on the bloggy-blog. We've added some favorite posts on the left for easy reference, and working on updating the tutorials page at the top to be super user-friendly! What's your favorite posts so far?!?
Since I’ve already confessed to being a complete and utter nerd, it should come as no surprise to say I love reading (husband is nodding head). Once I start a good book, I have a REALLY hard time putting it down (husband rolling his eyes and nodding even harder). Plus, I read rid-i-cu-lous-ly good looking fast, so I have literally probably read more books just this year month (I mean 2012), then most people do throughout the entire year(husband getting whiplash nodding so hard). Seriously. I don’t know if I can actually count how many I’ve read thus far. It’s in the double digits. Not exaggerating. So what’s the perfect thing for someone like me? Meet Henrietta.

Yep, I’ve been researching these bad boys for awhile (over a year….), and daydreaming, and finally after Christmas, I got my beauty. On New Years Eve, as a matter of fact. As soon as I got her charged and raring to go (with the 30 books I already had for Kindle before I even had one….) I started looking into cases for her. On the one hand, they were costing more than I wanted, and they were all online, so I couldn’t actually look and touch, and make sure it was what I wanted. I went to about 10 stores around the Davis County area to try to find 1 case. Nada. So, what’s a girl to do? You guessed it….Make one.


Kindle Cover (2)

I used felt for the inside so it didn’t scratch the screen (lucky I happened to have hot pink…hee hee), some 1/4” elastic, Velcro, leftover webbing from my Batman Belt, wide ribbon, and some fabric for the outside.

To start, I measured my Kindle (or iPad, Nook, tablet, etc.) It measures 6 3/4” tall, 4 3/4” across, and about 3/8” deep. I figured I’d want it to have about 1/4-3/8” extra on all edges, and I added just a little more than the depth of it for the fold-over area. I can’t give you the exact measurements I cut out, but the finished product is 7 1/2” tall, 10 1/4” across, laying open; and I did 1/2” seam, so that ends up being about 8 1/2” by 11 1/4”. I had a little extra that I cut off, not sure how I was doing it when I went along. The strap was 4” at the longest, but I cut it to a little half circle shape too (and melted both edges so it didn’t fray).

To hold the kindle, I put on elastic. I sewed the outside of all the elastic, then put the kindle on, pulled the elastic on, and pinned it down where I wanted. Then, move the kindle and sew them down.

Kindle Cover (8)

For the inside of mine, I wanted to do a sort of pocket to hold a paper if ever needed. I didn’t have extra fabric I wanted to use, so I used 2 wide ribbons. I just cut them to length (always melt the edges just in case), pinned them on the pink felt, and sewed them down.

Kindle Cover (9)

On the outside, I pinned one Velcro piece in the middle on one side, and pinned the other Velcro piece to the webbing fold-over clasp.

Kindle Cover (3)

I put the clasp on the other side, and put my Kindle in to make sure things were situated right…Sew everything down.

Kindle Cover (4)

Now, I pinned the clasp so it wouldn’t get caught as I sewed around the edges.

Kindle Cover (6)

Sew 1/2” around 3 of the edges, leaving the open edge on the back (mine was where the clasp was.) Turn your cover inside out, press the edges all nice out, and press the open side in 1/2”. I didn’t take pictures of this, but if you have questions, you can comment/email and let me know…

Kindle Cover (10)

This picture is showing it all turned out, making sure everything fits before sewing the last part. You can see the edge on the right is still open.

Now, sew around what will be your front cover…Meaning around half the top, the edge, and then half the bottom. Because mine was 2 colors, I actually had white on my top thread, and black on the bobbin, but that’s purely your choice. Now, measure 2 pieces of cardboard that will be about 1/4” bigger than your kindle all around. Make sure it fits inside of your case. Stuff in the first one…If you have white fabric like I did, I cut a piece of white paper to fit so you didn’t see cardboard or whatever cereal you used through.

Kindle Cover (11) copy

Then, once one piece is shoved in, sew right by the cardboard edge. Move over about 3/8” (that’s what height mine is), and sew another line. Sew the top and bottom edges too, leaving the opening open. Put in your last piece of cardboard, make sure your fabric is pressed in nicely, and sew that edge closed. Now, you’ve got your kindle cover! Put it in and get reading!

To clarify, here’s a little sketch. Obviously your lines will join up, mine are separate just to show the difference…

Kindle Cover

The back view:

Kindle Cover (1)

The front view:

Kindle Cover (12)


Kindle Cover (13)

And I always put the Velcro on backwards when I’m reading, like so:

Kindle Cover (2)

I fully intend on making one of these for our iPad as soon as I find fabric my husband approves of…He wants leather, but after this experience, I’m putting my foot down…

Kindle Cover (1) copy

Now, in honor of my new love Henrietta, I re-read my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice. You can highlight quotes as you’re reading, and then they show up as your clippings, without having to search the book again. So I highlighted some favorite quotes, and they seem especially fitting for Valentine’s day, so here’s a printable (my first I’ve made) just for that big day! (although I plan on keeping mine up in my future craft room. Just sayin)

P&P love copy

Do you see a theme with colors….hmmm….Anyway, here’s the links to an 8x10 printable, that I haven’t had the chance to print and frame, but fully intend on doing tomorrow. Let me know if they work or if you have any questions! Thanks for stopping by!

JPEG of printable here

PDF of printable here


  1. I am a new follwer to your blog - it's so awesome! Please feel free to visit me at

  2. What a wonderful tutorial. And it was especially smart of you to use the colored drawing lines. Makes everything so clear. Thank you.


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