
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mitered Corner Receiving Blanket and Dribble Cloth Set with Applique

(Gasp!) I’ve been featured over at Bernina’s website, We All Sew!


If you’re visiting from We All Sew, stick around and stay a while!  We love making new friends!  :)


Click on over and learn how you can make the perfect gift to welcome home a sweet new bundle of joy!

Eeeek! This totally made my day!  I didn’t know it was going to be posted today, and that’s why you get to hear from me twice today.  I am completely stoked!  :)

Scroll down and learn how to take in a pair of jeans that aren’t fitting right.  Thanks for stopping by!  :)

signature nat


  1. know, i've asked myself the same thing: how am i getting so lucky with these giveaway!? and they're all random too! most with HUNDREDS of entries even before i enter with my measley 2 or 3. but, shrugs.

    i was surprised to find out i won my first! and then a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and this last one was my 7th! and to be quite honest with you, i just started blogging in nov and didn't even understand the concept of "giveaways" until december. and it's not like i go looking for them either - they just surface when i'm bouncing from blog to blog - and if it's simple enough (like follow on twitter or like their fbook) i do it. it's only a click anyways and it gives me a new blog to follow and such!

    not only that, but every giveaway has been a FANTASTIC one..! :D

    watch, now that i said all this, i probably will win no more. ahah, which is fine by me :) i already considere myself blessed.

    btw, follow me on twitter or facebook if you're interested in which ones i enter. i don't know how to get people to follow me, so i have a good listing - yet, no one pays mind to it :(

  2. I was so surprised this morning when I was browsing through my blogs and saw your name and face on the Bernina Blog! Congratulations, I was so excited for you.

  3. Congratulations! Great tutorials, Nat!!!


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