
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Toddler Underwear from a Tee Shirt

Ashlee interrupting you really quick
K, how cute are these pick a boo lace socks? I just bought 1 of each (turquoise, pink, yellow and gray) for $8!! Wooohooo!! Head over to Pick Your Plum now!!! Anyway, back to Nat!

I said I wasn’t going to post this.  I don’t want you thinking I’m too crazy, but we’re past that point, right?!  You all know what a cheapskate I am!
So, without further ado, here’s my underwear tutorial!
toddler underwear from a tee shirt
A few months ago, I got about a million tee shirts off the clearance rack at Wal-Mart for $1.00.  Score!
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (11)
I’ve refashioned a lot of them, but I've also had my boys wear some of them.  I love cheap shirts, and if my kiddos ruin their shirts, who cares?!  It cost a dollar!
Moving right along, one day, Monkey told me that he wanted to wear “big boy undies.”  I didn’t have any underwear in his size, so I did what any cheapskate good mother would do; I whipped up a few pairs for him.
I started off by making a pattern from freezer paper by using a Onesie as a guide.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (2)
Cut the Onesie where the waistband of the underwear would be:
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (3)
Cut the side seams and open it up.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (4)
Lay it on some freezer paper and trace it.  Trace it a bit bigger for seam allowances.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (7)
Draw a curve where the snaps meet the front of the Onesie.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (8)
Cut out the pattern.  Cut out the pieces.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (12)
I was able to cut four pieces at one time by folding the shirt in half.  The only problem with this is that the undies now stretch the wrong way….   I should have folded the shirt the OTHER way.  Oh well…
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (14)
Now you need to cut the waistband, the legs, and the faux fly from a contrasting fabric.  I used four different colors of knit from my stash. 
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (26)
You’re going to have to measure your pattern to determine the length of the pieces you’ll need.  The waistband needs to be a little more than 2x longer than the top (or bottom) of the undies.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (25)
The waistband I cut was 3 1/2” wide.  The legs were 1 1/2”, and the fly pieces were 1”.  We’re going to fold all these pieces in half.  That’s why they’re cut wider.  Moving right along…
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (30)
Press all the pieces in half lengthwise. 
Now, take the waistband, unfold the pressed edge, line the sides up and sew them together.  Fold the pressed edge back over.  You should now have a circular waistband.  The pressed edge is the top of the waistband.  See that seam?  That’s what you just sewed. 
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (36)
Now, measure your victim’s waist and cut some elastic the same length.  Sew the ends together.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (37)
Wrap the waistband around the elastic.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (38)
Fold the waistband back over and sew the elastic into place on both sides of the seam.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (39)
Now, sew around the entire waistband as close to the elastic as you can.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (40)
Grab one of the main underwear pieces and line up your “faux fly” on the front and sew it into place.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (43)
Why the “faux fly” you might wonder?  Because Monkey is two, and won’t need the real fly until he is much older.  That’s why!  ;)
Next, take the leg pieces and line them up on the “legs” of the undies with all the raw edges together.  The pressed edge of the leg lining is going to be the outside of the legs.  Sew into place.  Do this for both legs.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (44)
Serge the raw edges; or don’t.  It’s knit, so it won’t fray.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (45)
Now, turn that serged or raw edge under and stitch over the top of it to hold it into place.  You don’t want the legs of the undies flipping out the wrong way.  Lengthen your stitch so it stretches better.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (46)
Fold the undies in half with the right sides together.  Make sure your side seams are lined up.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (48)
Sew the sides together and serge the raw edges.  (Or don’t…)
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (49)
Now take the waistband and lower it inside the top of the undies with the raw edges lined up with the raw edge of the undies.  Make sure your waistband seam is in the back of the undies.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (50)
Pin the waistband to the undies and sew into place.  Serge or zig-zag the raw edges.
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (51)
Flip the serged/zig-zagged edge down and stitch into place with a lengthened stitch.
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…and you’re done! 
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (52)
Now make as many pairs of toddler undies as you can!
toddler underwear from a tee shirt (53)
Four pairs of toddler underwear for $1.00…not bad, eh?!
signature nat
P.S.  These would be easy to make for a girl, too.  Just skip the “faux fly” step and use cute, girly fabric!  :)


  1. I'm convinced that you and your mother-in-law are one person. ha ha Perhaps you could have raided her stash for vintage underwear fabrics. :D

  2. Thanks so much for this tutorial! I have a super skinny little guy at just over 2 years old, and 2T sized commercial underwear is huge on him. This was a great method of drafting our own briefs pattern for him. He loves them - so much that he hates taking them off to sit on the potty!

  3. Excellent. I'll be making some for granddaughter that she can remove and pull up herself. The true test of being potty trained...taking yourself with the exception of a holler to get your tush properly wiped after a bm.


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