
Saturday, January 19, 2013

What I Wore Sunday: Week 50

Eeek!  Just two more weeks of the What I Wore Sunday Challenge!

frame to match teal and white

…52 weeks of shaking up the wardrobe…

The Rules:

  1. Wear a different outfit every Sunday.

  2. Incorporate at least one article of clothing or accessory that was either refashioned, sewn myself, or handmade.

  3. Outfits can be worn more than once; just not the same way

This is what I wore Sunday:

week 50

This skirt was a few dollars off the clearance rack.  Fabulous!  …except that it was a sixe XXL.  No worries!  I bought it anyway and took it in at the side seams.  It’s now a medium.  I also made my necklace. 

I got a lot of compliments on this outfit, but it was just okay for me.  I don’t love the way the shirt fits, hence the belt.  The belt is cute and all, but I think I just need to see what I can do to make the shirt fit me better.

I’ll get to work on that right away…

See ya next week!

signature nat

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