
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

101 Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas gifts.  It seems like the list gets longer every year, doesn’t it?!  Well, here’s a list of 101 Christmas gift ideas I posted last year on December 14th.  These gift ideas are fabulous for co-workers, neighbors, teachers, etc…

101 Christmas Gift Ideas

101 Christmas Gift Ideas

I’ll first start off with a cup of Christmas Cheer.

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Warms you right, up, doesn’t it?  Here’s how it’s made:

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You’ll need some hot cocoa mix (totally awesome recipe found HERE), Christmas-y mugs, festive treat sacks, candy canes, curling ribbon, and whatever else you want to add.

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Put the treat sack in the mug and turn it down.  Use a canning funnel and add your cocoa mix.

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Like so.

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Use a butter knife to pack the mix into the sack.

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Use a twist-tie to close up the sack.  Put some candy canes into the mug.

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Add a cute little tag.  On the back of the tag, put the mixing instructions.  I could have made these on the computer, but there’s just something about a handwritten note.  It makes it more personal.  It’s totally up to you, though.

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Tie the tag on with some curling ribbon and you’re done!  Make one for everyone needing a cup of Christmas Cheer!

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Are you ready for 101 Christmas gift ideas?  I didn’t count, but I’m pretty sure there’s more than 101! 

My wonderful Mother-In-Law has been supplying us with different ideas for years.  She’s so good at keeping track of them, and all of these ideas came from her.  They were photocopied, so rather than retype everything, I just scanned it in.  Some of it is pretty cheesy and old school.  Ye be warned!  :)  Click on any of the images to enlarge them.

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (1)

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (2)

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (3)

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (4)

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (5)

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (6)

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (7)

christmas gift ideas for kids and students (8)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (1)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (2)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (3)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (4)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (5)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (6)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (7)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (8)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (9)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (10)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (11)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (12)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (13)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (14)

christmas gifts for neighbors and teachers (15)

Well, there are a few ideas.  Hopefully you’ll find one or two (or 101) fun gift ideas!

signature nat

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