
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tea Towel Apron

Thanksgiving is all about being thankful.  Definitely.  But for me, Thanksgiving also means food.  Glorious food.  Mmmm…

All that food means time in the kitchen.  I just love cooking.  My next few posts are going to be my favorite Thanksgiving recipes, so get excited about that! 

Before we get to all this cooking, let’s whip up a quick, cute little apron to keep ourselves clean while we bake up all that Thanksgiving goodness.

Tea Towel Apron Tutorial from the Crafty Cousins

This project is so insanely easy, it doesn’t really even deserve a tutorial.  But, here it is anyway.

Start off with a hand towel, a spool of ribbon, and some rick-rack for embellishment.  You can skip the rick-rack if you want.  Excuse the quality of my pictures.  I did this one night after the kiddos went to bed.  There wasn’t any natural light to work with.

Hand Towel Apron (2)

Measure out the length of ribbon you need.  Remember that you need it long enough to fit around your waist, but you also need it long enough to tie it.  Longer is better. 

Find the center of the ribbon.  Fold the towel in half horizontally and find the center.  Line them up.

Hand Towel Apron (4)

Pin the ribbon to the towel and sew it into place. 

Hand Towel Apron (5)

I lined up the top of the ribbon with the top of the towel, and just sewed the ribbon in a rectangle so that the top and bottom of the ribbon were secured to the towel.

Hand Towel Apron (6)

If you don’t want to add rick-rack, then skip to the last step.

If you want the rick-rack, then there’s just a few more steps.

Position the rick-rack where you want it and pin it down.  Fold the ends over so they’re on the back of the towel.

Hand Towel Apron (9)

Sew it into place.  I used a decorative stitch in an accenting color just for funzies.  You can sew it down however you want.

Hand Towel Apron (10)

Heat seal the edges of the ribbon to prevent fraying…

Hand Towel Apron (7)

…and you’re done!!  Wasn’t that fast and easy?

Hand Towel Apron (16)

Now you’re ready for all that Thanksgiving baking!

signature nat

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