
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Freezer Paper Pattern

Have you ever needed to make your own pattern, but it wouldn’t fit on plain old printer paper?

I have.

I use freezer paper instead.

Use freezer paper as pattern paper

Let’s say you’re making up a pattern for toddler sized underwear.

What?  You don’t make your kids’ undies?

Umm…me neither.  I just did the one time.  I still don’t know if I’ll show off that tutorial.  You might think I’m a tad cray-cray.

Okay, so you need a pattern. 

Find whatever you’ll need to base your pattern piece off of.

For me, it was the bottom half of a Onesie.

Use freezer paper as pattern paper (3)

Line it up and trace around it.

Use freezer paper as pattern paper (5)

Write your instructions on it, but only if you want to.

Use freezer paper as pattern paper (6)

Cut it out and you’re done!

You know how store bought patterns are made out of tissue paper?  Sometimes the pieces tear.  I have several patterns that I have retraced onto freezer paper.

You know how some patterns have several sizes?  I have a few pajama pants patterns and have needed all the sizes.  I have five boys, remember.  They aren’t all the same size.  Rather than cut the pattern piece one size, I use freezer paper.

I start off with the biggest size and trace it onto the freezer paper.  Then, I work my way down so that I have several different sizes; not just one flimsy piece of tissue paper with the markings for all the different sizes.

Want to know another little trick?  You can also use the back side of old Christmas wrapping paper, brown craft paper, and even newspaper.

Anyway…just a tip!  :)

signature nat

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