
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Frozen Peppers

Yep.  I’m at it again--processing produce from the garden.  ‘Tis the season!  :)

I promise once canning season is over, I’ll get back to all those fun sewing/crafting tutorials.  I’ve got some good ‘uns planned, so stay tuned!

Preparing peppers for the freezer is just the same as the onions.  You can also blanch the peppers, like we did the green beans, but it isn’t necessary.

I love having chopped peppers in the freezer.  It makes it so handy for all those recipes that ask for peppers. 



Prepare peppers for freezer storage

Pick a bunch of peppers from the garden.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (1)

It can be any kind of pepper. 

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (6)

Wash and dry the peppers.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (2)

Cut off the tops and bottoms of the peppers.  I don’t think you need to cut the bottoms off of bell peppers, though.  Also, cut off any yucky parts.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (4)

Cut the peppers in half lengthwise.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (5)

Scrape the seeds out with a spoon.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (3)

Chop the peppers.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (7)

Arrange the peppers in a single layer on a tray.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (8)

Freeze them for a few hours, then put them in freezer bags.

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (11)

Prepare peppers for freezer storage (16)

Keep the peppers in the freezer and use them as needed.

Doesn’t it feel great to process and store all that wonderful, homegrown goodness from the garden?!  I think so too!  :)

signature nat

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