
Friday, September 7, 2012

Fab 5 Friday

Hello hello hello! Yesterday I spent a little bit o time organizing my Pinterest boards. I made a desserts, breakfast, and crock pot board to separate my recipes up some more. 500+ recipes was a bit much on one board, don’t you think? Then, I updated my board of things (recipes or tips) I’ve tried and didn’t like, and added one for the ones that I did like. Finally, I added a board for those projects that I actually have finished. There’s still more pins to go through, but it was a good start! My recipes board is down to 300 now. Whoosh! I’m up to 57 boards and 4,239 pins. That’s nuts. Some are repeats too, so I try to delete those, or the ones that get repinned, and don’t go anywhere, I delete them too. Okay, I’ll see if I can do the top 5 this week, but my internet is acting up, we shall see….Update: 4 hours later, I’m almost done….*sigh*

I know at least 5 lovely ladies who are having babies in the next 4 months, so I saw this list of 15 baby gifts to make on Tip Junkie and HAD to pin it!

Tatertots and Jello has a fantastic link party every Friday, and compiles great lists from link-ups. This week, she had awesome birthday ideas. I WANT that cake. Yum.

I actually just found this site and became a follower of 36th avenue, and Loved her Halloween décor. I have a mirror a lot like this, and love how she decorated it.

I would apologize for featuring the same blog, but she also had an adorable Halloween printable, and a list of FREE Halloween fonts that I will be downloading ASAP.

I found this house via Pinterest, and this post was incredible. I love all the details of how she decorates her house for Halloween. Seriously, go over and drool. At least if you’re nearly as obsessed with Halloween as I am.

Anyway, I have Halloween on the brain, so that was my theme this time! I just got back from an awesome sale and scored some great clothes and shoes for my girls for super cheap! (talking $5 for 6 things people. ‘Course I had a coupon, but whatever) Have you heard of Just Between Friends? If you live in Utah, you need to go over and look at their site. It’s fantastic. They may have locations elsewhere, I just don’t know. Go look now!

Have a great weekend! We’re off to Bear Lake tomorrow!!

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