
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ruffle Tank from a Nightgown

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (12)

A few months ago, I got this little night gown off of the clearance rack for $2.00.

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (1)

I HATE wearing night gowns, but thought I could refashion this into a cute tank to wear with a cardigan.  It was an easy project, and I love the end result!  :)

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (2)

Measure the night gown with a tank that has the perfect length.  Cut it about an inch longer for the hem.

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (3)

Use the part you cut off and cut them into 2” strips for the ruffles.

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (4)

Decide where you want them, then sew a basting stitch along the top of each ruffle.

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (5)

Pull the threads to gather the strips into ruffles.  I’m not as cool as Ash.  I don’t have a ruffler foot.  Sadness.

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (7)

Pin the ruffles where you want them and sew them into place along the top of the ruffle.

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (11)

Pull out the basting threads, and you’re done! 

Crafty Cousins' ruffle tank tutorial (9)

See how cute and fun!?  Oh yeah.  You need to hem it.  Need help with that?  Check this out.

signature nat


  1. Clever idea! I really love how it turned out.

    Mrs. Delightful

  2. I love how this turned out! Good idea to get the extra fabric off of a nightgown. I am obsessed with ruffle refashions :)

  3. I nominated you for two blog awards!

  4. This is really cute and seems easy. I'll have to keep a sharp look out for suitable nightgowns!


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