
Monday, July 16, 2012


Okay, I don’t have any awesome project today. Saturday was my high school 10 year reunion, and a 5K for a friend in the morning, and the hubster’s work had a luncheon open house thing, so we weren’t home much at all. We went yesterday to visit mine and Nat’s grandma that is up here right now, so that was a nice evening. I reorganized and moved a bunch of stuff around the craft/office area Friday, but then decided to take on the closet, so everything kind of imploded in here. We’re getting ready to go backpacking in a couple days, so our house can best be described as piles. Everywhere.
In the sewing area:
I keep promising to show you my fabric hoard. This is maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of it. (Okay, you can’t see it since it’s all in bags and boxes, but soon!) I’m going through everything right now to organize and make me happy.
Here’s scraps I have that are still big enough to do something with, the rest get thrown away.
Yesterday at church, they asked for 1 yd fabric donations for something, so it started my purging. Here’s my donation thus far, only about halfway through the hoard.
While going through fabric, I found some fabric that may work for mosquito netting, so I made a pile my sewing machine, which means I have to whip those up today/tomorrow.
Then there’s the stuff that HAS to be done today so we have a tent to even sleep in, like repair the zipper on this tent
and get the pole working (the bungee elastic part broke)
Then the gathering of things to pack, with the backpacks. Mine is the gray one in the top left, hubby’s is the red one at the bottom. Mine is brand spanking new and only weighs about 3 pounds. Woohoo!
And of course, starting to gather all the snacks, food, and other necessaries for the trip. Piles everywhere! That doesn’t even count the piles of laundry I need to get done today so I can pack my girlies bags to go stay at Grandma’s house while we backpack (thanks mom!!) So I need to get cracking, because I also have to pay taxes and bills, before leaving, find a place to buy fishing licenses, get in shape enough that everyone we’re going with won’t hate me (they run marathons and crap like that), practice carrying around the weight in the backpack, and get re-used to my hiking boots again, so I won’t get blisters this time. Oh and take care of 2 little monsters and keep them happySmile Wish me luck!!!

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