
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nursery Redo: Part 2

Are you ready to see how I turned Firecracker’s twin sized quilt into a queen sized one?  It was really, really easy.

I did this because the twin quilt already matched the nursery décor, and because I am a cheapskate.

This is what Monkey’s “guest bed” looked like before he moved into it.

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Lovely, right?!  I am kidding.  Let’s flashback to what Firecracker’s quilt looked like:


See the blue edging on the queen sized quilt?  I cut that off and serged the raw edges.

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Then I lined the blue edges up with the twin quilt and pinned them into place.

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When everything was pinned, I sewed the ‘new’ edges onto the quilt.

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That was it!  Easy Peasy!

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You know that old saying, “Use it up, Wear it out.  Make it do, or do without”?  I live by that.  I serged the raw edges of the queen quilt and now it’s in with our camping gear.  Waste not, want not, right?!

Back to Monkey’s new bed…

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He loves it!

Check back on Thursday to see the conclusion of the nursery redo!  I’ll show you how I refashioned Monkey’s curtains!

signature nat

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