
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Teaser and a Tip or Two…

Remember this?



Check back Thursday for the big reveal!!

So, life here has been really, really busy.  We’ve had sick kids, oodles of doctor’s appointments, parent teacher conference, bathroom renovation (obviously), Scouts, piano lessons, dentist appointments, and surgical consults.  Yep.  I’m headed for surgery again.  Stupid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Anyway, my life has been super busy, so no tutorial today.  Sorry.

But, I do have a FABULOUS tip for you.


These floss threaders are AWESOME for threading your serger.  Seriously.  It makes threading the upper looper and lower looper so.much.easier.  They’re even reusable!  ;)

The other thing that takes some of the stress out of threading a serger is bent tip tweezers.

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Sometimes I feel like a surgeon when I’m threading my serger.  I guess that makes me a SERGEON!!  Get it?! 

Okay.  I’m a dork.  No worries.  I already knew that!  :)

Another serger-threading trick is to clip the serger threads close to the cone and tie the new color of thread to the old color and S-L-O-W-L-Y serge until the new color is threaded through the serger.  When the knots in the thread get to the needles, clip the threads and manually thread the needles.  The knots won’t fit through the eyes of the needles.  The knots should go through the eyes of the loopers without any problems.  Once you’ve done that, you’ve successfully re-threaded your serger without the hassle of threading it!  :)

This little sweetie has really helped me get to know my serger.


It was so informative, but so fun to read at the same time.  I almost couldn’t put it down!

One night as I was deep into this book, Hubby asked me if I was ready for bed.

“Just a minute.  I’m reading all about flatlocking.  Did you even know I could do that with my serger?!  Listen to this…” And I started reading from the book.

He looked at me like I was a nut case and said, “You’re a dork.  I’m going to bed…” then walked off laughing. 

Well, there you go.  I am still getting to know my new machine, but the more I get to know her, the more I love her! 

Natalie + Juki = LOVE!!  :)

1 juki love

Be sure to check back Thursday for the bathroom reveal!  :)

signature nat

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for following Rock Paper Scissors Create! I'm following back:)


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