
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Handmade Earrings

***I need your help!  I am in desperate need of sewing machine advice!  Will you take a minute and answer my questions at the bottom of the post?!  Thanks!!***

A few days ago, over on My Girlish Whims, I read a tutorial on making earrings and thought, “I could do that!”  It was easier than I thought, but I still need to work on the wire shaping.  Ready to try it yourself?

handmade earrings (11.5)

I bought some beading and earring supplies and went to work.

handmade earrings (10)

I sorted everything into small piles on a towel.  I didn’t want all those small pieces rolling everywhere.

For my first pair, I picked out a few of the green and gold beads.

handmade earrings (3)

I threaded the light green beads with small gold beads on either side onto a bar with loops on the end.  I did the same thing with the darker beads, only those bars had a flat part on the bottom.

handmade earrings (4)

I took the top part of the earring and cut the post a little smaller with some needle nosed pliers.  They have a wire cutter on them.

handmade earrings (5)

I bent the post and threaded it through the loop on the bottom of the earring hook.

handmade earrings (6)

Then I bent the post with the needle nose pliers to make a complete loop and secure the beads to the earring.

handmade earrings (8)

I did the same thing with the bottom part of the earring and connected the post to the bottom loop on the top part of the earring.

handmade earrings (9)

See how cute, fun, and easy?  Now do the same thing with the other earring, unless you only want to decorate one ear!  :)

handmade earrings (11)

I made a few more and really like how they turned out.

handmade earrings (13)handmade earrings (14)handmade earrings (15)handmade earrings (16)handmade earrings (18)handmade earrings (19)handmade earrings (20)handmade earrings (21)

I made all of these while Little Monkey took a nap.  It was a fun, fast, and easy project.  It was also a lot cheaper than buying them. 

It was fun trying something new, too!  :)

P.S.  My sewing machine is dying.  Sadness.  If it can’t be repaired, I need to replace it.  So, I am in the market for some sewing machine advice.  I need help!!

What kind of sewing machine do you have?  How long have you had it?  What do you love about it?  What don’t you love about it?

Thanks, guys!

signature nat


  1. All of them are so cute!! earrings are so fun to make :)

  2. The earrings are really pretty!

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  3. Fun, cute earrings!!! I wish my ears didn't itch when I wore earrings or I'd follow your example and make me some. :(

    My sewing machine is a Kenmore. We bought it when we were still in Phoenix--March 2001. I love that it has an automatic buttonholer and a fair amount of stitches. I think it's a 16 stitch. Oh heck, I should just look at the box, it's sitting right here --maybe turn it to the English side first. Ok, it's a 34 stitch functions (16 built in stitches). I have noticed that some of the stitches you use seem to be cuter than mine. When we were shopping for my machine, I really didn't want anything too extravagant I just wanted to make sure it did the button holes for me and all my baby bibs. It's held up really really well through the years. I can certainly say I haven't taken good care of it by oiling it regularly (or ever). When I make the bibs I'm sewing with the polyester batting right over the feed dogs so a lot of lint gets down in there. I finally took it in for service last fall and there were only minor adjustments needed.

    If I were shopping for a new machine I might look for one with a few more stitch functions, just for a little more variety and I'd love to find one with more space between the actual sewing area and the main body of the machine on the right. When I'm working on larger projects, it's often hard to squeeze them into the small work area (particularly on a machine quilting job, the biggest I can do is about 40X40 inches because anything bigger is just too bulky).

    P.S. I got your text on Sunday... :) We don't have a texting plan and I refuse to pay 10 cents to reply. lol

    Cheap Sister-in-law

  4. The earrings are very beautiful. Love this post very much. Check This for more designs: sterling earrings handmade


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