
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bathroom Redo: Part 1

Have you entered THE GIVEAWAY yet?

No?!  I’ll wait you enter.



Back already?!  Fabulous!  ;)

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Here’s what I’m giving my favorite guys for Valentine’s Day.


No sissy lovey-dovey Valentines at our house!  :)

So, as you may have guessed from the title, we are remodeling our downstairs bathroom.  It’s in pretty bad shape.  I didn’t get any nice before shots, but that doesn’t matter.  It looked bad, and now it looks worse.




Take a moment and admire Monkey heading for the toilet.  Don’t worry.  I caught him before he got to the potty!  Also, we don’t shower with folding chairs.  That was just for the Hubsters while he chiseled out grout.  We’ve actually never used the shower in this bathroom.

After hours of removing grout, we (read: Hubby) realized that the entire shower needed to be replaced.  Meh.  So, we spent the weekend tearing out the shower.  This tutorial will be all about removing your shower.

Start with a shower that desperately needs to be replaced. 

Give your boys a hammer…


…and let them enjoy busting up the tile.


They’ll love it, I promise.  Just make sure they help haul all the broken tile to the garbage!  :)

And that, my friends, is how you tear out a shower.  Stay tuned for our bathroom redo progress.

In other randomness; have you seen these floating around Pinterest?


Oh goodness, they make me laugh!

Remember how my sewing machine died?  Remember how my serger did too?


Well, look what The Hubsters bought me this weekend:

AND this!!



My machines are supposed to delivered this afternoon.


Hey Hubsters~


(Happy Valentine’s Day!)

So, my weekend was awesome.  How ‘bout yours?!

signature nat

1 comment:

  1. Funny stuff! Congratulations on your new haul!!! Did you hear I'm coming next week?!!! I'll only be there for two days and then I have to leave on your b-day but I think we should party!


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