
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wall Collages

I love Pinterest.  A few days after we had our family pictures done, I came across this:

1 pinterest wall collage 

and I fell in love with it.  Especially the couch, but there’s nothing I can do about that right now.  Here’s the wall collage I had in my front room:

photo wall collage with vinyl (3)

Please note the cute kids in the corner playing a game on the laptop.  That’s #4 and #5.  Love them.  Oh yeah.  Back to the wall collage:

photo wall collage with vinyl (2)

So, this is what I had.  I had these pictures coming:

lacey's photography (1)lacey's photography (2)lacey's photography (3)

lacey's photography (5)lacey's photography

Aren’t my kids gorgeous?  Swoon…

lacey's photography (6)

These pictures were taken by the lovely Lacey.  She is an awesome photographer.  You should book her for your next photo session.  I promise you won’t be disappointed.  Check her out here:

Lacey’s Photography

lacey's photography (4)

I love that she even took a picture of my husband scaling the bridge, and this lizard my #2 caught.  She perfectly captured the beauty of my #5’s eyes.


Isn’t he yummy?  So, you can see that I had a lot of pictures to choose from, so I needed more frames than I had on the wall for my display.  No worries.  I hit a Black Friday sale at Wal-Mart and scored big time.  I messed around with the frames on the floor and came up with this:

photo wall collage with vinyl (4)

I cut out cardboard and paper to represent the frames on the wall and I marked where the hangers were on the back of the frames on the front of the paper frames.  That way, when I needed to hang them, I could just go through the paper and rip it off once the nails were in place.

photo wall collage with vinyl (5)

I taped the paper up on the wall and hammered the nails into place.

photo wall collage with vinyl (7)

Then I hung the frames. 

photo wall collage with vinyl (6)

I decided where I wanted my vinyl and emailed this picture to Brandi (the best vinyl lady ever!) with measurements.  I told her to choose whichever fonts she wanted and that I wanted both black and brown vinyl since I had black and brown frames.  This is what she did for me:

photo wall collage with vinyl (8)

I love it.  I love her.  I have gotten so many compliments on my wall collage! Email Brandi with your order at 3bbgunns (at) gmail (dot) com.

This is what my front room looks like now:


Love, love, love it!

Since I already had an order in with Brandi, I asked her to make up a “Family Rules” collage for a wall in my kitchen.  This wall:

vinyl family rules (1)


To apply vinyl, you need to CAREFULLY peel the backing off the vinyl.

vinyl family rules (2)

With a project this big, I found it easier to roll it.  You have to make sure you don’t have any of your lettering sticking to the backing.

vinyl family rules (3)

Once the backing is off, lightly place the transfer tape and vinyl on your wall.

vinyl family rules (4)

When you’ve got it where you want it, make sure it is even.  When it is even, take a spatula, credit card, driver’s license, library card or whatever else you want to use, and secure your vinyl to the wall.  Brandi describes it best HERE.

vinyl family rules (5)

Carefully, carefully, c.a.r.e.f.u.l.l.y….

vinyl family rules (7)

…peel off the transfer tape…

vinyl family rules (8)

…keep going…

vinyl family rules (9)

…when the transfer tape is off, smooth out your letters to secure them in place…

vinyl family rules (10)

…and you’re done!

vinyl family rules (10)

The picture was taken on an angle.  Sorry.  But, do you love it as much as I do?  I love what vinyl can do to a room.  If you need a change in décor, vinyl is the perfect way to spruce up a room!

signature nat


  1. Your kids really ARE beautiful! And your gallery wall turned out great! : )

    Thanks SO much for linking up your awesome posts @ Feature Friday Free-for-All!

    P.S. I'm your newest follower and would be so honored if you'd follow my blogging journey as well (if you don't already! : )).

    ~Abbie (

  2. very nice--I love lacey's photo's. She does good work.

  3. Wow, what a huge improvement. I love how both walls turned out! Thanks so much for sharing at Etcetorize~

  4. Love this so much!!!

    Thanks for linking up to Serenity Saturday link party
    Hope to see you there again this week



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