
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Valentine’s Day Vignette

I don’t have a fireplace and a mantle to dress up for holidays.  I also don’t have any Valentine’s Day decorations.  Thanks to Pinterest, my piano, and my scrap stash, I created this:

valentine's day vignette

Speaking of my scrap stash, which I lovingly refer to as my CRAP stash, my brother made a comment around Christmas time that some may have taken as an insult, but I took as a compliment.  I think that was the longest sentence ever.  Anywho, he called me and said, “Nat!  I took a page out of your book, used the crap I had on hand and made a totally awesome and totally free Christmas gift!”  He needed a stable to go with a nativity he had bought for his in-laws, but didn’t like the one that is supposed to go with the set.  So he built his own stable with the wood scraps he had, then called me for ideas on how to make it look rustic.  Yes, I am a cheapskate, BUT, I love it.  I love the challenge of thinking outside the box and finding out what you can create with what you already have.

Back to the Valentine’s Day décor…I had to use a red, black and white color scheme.  I’d have a mutiny on my hands if I had used pink.  My boys do NOT like pink!  I started off with the heart wreaths.

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I cut two hearts out of cardboard.

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I spray painted them black.

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I cut out a bajillion squares of felt.  I have seen these wreaths made out of cupcake liners, coffee filters and felt circles, but I wanted to see how it looked with squares.  I loved it!  Moving right along…

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Take a square of felt and wrap it around a pencil.

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Hit it with some hot glue.

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Position it where you want it on your cardboard.  Excuse the box that I am crafting on.  I needed to protect my kitchen table!  Glue the rest of the felt squares close together for the ruffley effect.

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Keep gluing the squares until the cardboard is covered.

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To attach them to the wall, glue some ribbon to the back of the wreath.

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Like so:

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I needed something to cover the tack holding the wreath to the wall.  I took my ribbon and made these bows…

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…with tacks glued to the back.

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I found a few printables on Pinterest.  I’d link back to them, but I’ve got a fussy baby with RSV who needs some snuggles from his mama.  Check out my Valentine’s Day Pinboard to find all of the tutorials.

I was going to sew a table runner for the piano, but thanks to an accident involving ice, the driveway, and hauling groceries from the car in the dark FIGURE SKATING, I tore a ligament in my wrist and am taking a break from sewing.  Sigh… 

So, here’s my no-sew table runner.  My wrist is thanking me.

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I started with black felt from my stash.

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I laid down some clearance Christmas doilies from the dollar store.  They cost a whopping $0.25!

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I laid down a few white felt hearts I cut up from my stash, and called it good.

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I framed my printables with frames I had and assembled my Valentine’s Day vignette.

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This lovey alphabet was something I pinned on Pinterest.  I didn’t have enough scrapbook stickers, so I just printed this off on some cardstock.

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These are dollar store flowers wrapped in vintage lace from Hubby’s mom, stuffed into a vase I had and tied with leftover ribbon from the wreaths.

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Pinterest printable.

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Here’s some dollar store candy in a dollar store jar with leftover ribbon.

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This is another pinspiration that I tweaked to my liking.  It’s a “dry erase” board made with scrapbooking supplies and ric rac.  It’s a fun way to share why we all love each other!  This message was for my four-year-old Firecracker.  Love that boy!

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Total amount spent on this Valentine’s Day vignette?  $3.25!  Sweet!  I love the cost, and I love the way it turned out.  Go rummage through your crap stash and see what you can come up with!  Email us pictures.  We’d love to see them!

Oh yeah, and Happy Valentine’s Day!  :)

signature nat


  1. Cute! I love it! I am making the "I love you because" frame too. Mine probably won't turn out nearly as cute as yours though.

  2. I love it! The hearts are great!

    If you're interested, we're hosting our first ever link up party. Please stop by and link up!

  3. This is cute and a fun cheap craft to do with my students. How large were the squares you used? Think scraps of regular sewing material would work as well as the felt?


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