
Friday, January 27, 2012

Fab 5 Friday

Happy Friday! Today, we’re trying hard to get my car I’ve had since college to start and work again…Sad! Wish us luck! But, here’s some awesome fun inspiration from Pinterest!

I want to go to the thrift store and find some shoes to lace-i-fy right now! Tutorial at How Does She

We made these yesterday…still haven’t tested them, but we bought water bottle ice cube maker at the thrift store, and the glycerin at Michaels, and made these up! So fun! DIY Bathtub Crayons at Kiboomu

This just made me smile. Who doesn’t want to be a princess? And you can smile to yourself all day long, while not looking as obvious as wearing a tiara and dress…like my daughter….Over at Disney this, Disney that

Oh man. I loved this wall of frames. So different and unique! Her whole master bedroom makeover is great, not that my hubby would go for it…Go check it out at Living with Lindsay

I plan on doing this as soon as I finish this. Or something like it. Good times. Go see this over at Wobisobi

I have to make a dessert tonight to take to a friend’s house, and I’m drawing a blank. Anything you’ve had, pinned, or know of that I should make?! Please help!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Dessert?

    I just made strawberry cupcakes for my baby's first birthday! :)

    But, if I'm making dessert to take somewhere and I want to amaze people in a very easy way, I make cream puffs. If I totally want to indulge, then I make brownies with peanut butter cup chunks mixed in and spread on a peanut butter frosting (with more peanut butter cup chunks sprinkled on top).

  2. You could always make Grandma's Peanut Butter Fingers...


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