
Monday, November 21, 2011

Sneak Peek and Gift Idea Project!

Dollhouse Bed (2)

I have been working FOR-EV-ER on this project. Okay, maybe just a few months, but it has been huge. This picture? It’s your sneak peek. I’m super close to being done, but don’t you want that bed? I do! Another view:

Dollhouse Bed (3)

Dollhouse Bed (1)

The pillow as 2 different sides, for whatever mood my decorator (AKA daughter) feels like at the moment. Yep, that’s all for now, but I’ll show you more next week, hopefully!

Onto the project I hinted at on Friday…I was sitting somewhere, thinking of what to do for a specific person for Christmas. They don’t need anything. Know anyone like that?!? So I decided on an idea. An experiment really.

Apologies in advance: I didn’t take any pictures during, because I forgot, and I was trying to get this done FAST. So a lot of words, but hopefully it will make sense…

I stopped at the DI (a thrift store) and bought a big framed picture (only for the frame), that was about an 18”x22” frame, for $3. It wasn’t especially cool, but it was solid, and one of the better ones out of my choices. I took the glass to a glass shop in town, and had them cut the glass so it was 7” wide, the long way. Like so:


Granted, the glass is just a little smaller than the frame, but you understand, right? They did that for $1.

Then I cut out a piece of sturdy cardboard to fit inside the frame, minus the area covered by the glass. I wanted it to only be as big as the frame opened, not as big as the glass. Does that make sense? So in the picture, it’s the square-ish piece that I cut cardboard for.


I glued a layer of quilt batting on top of that, and then stapled on the fabric of my choice behind the cardboard, nice and tight. Do you see where this is going? I’m making a memo board, with the ribbons, to make holders….So I stapled on ribbon after marking with disappearing fabric marker where I wanted them to go (tightly!)… to get this:

Memo Board (1)

Cute, right? I chose to do all different ribbons to make it more fun, and match all the colors in the fabric…BTW pay attention to the fabric, you’ll see it in another project, soon to come!

Next, I painted the frame. I chose to do a bright turquoise to match the flowers.

Memo Board (6)

Now, to the glass piece. I put masking tape on the cut edge, because I didn’t want anyone to accidently get cut.Next, I hot-glued a 1” wide piece of matching ribbon onto the edge, so half was on the glass, covering the tape.

Memo Board (6)

I hot glued the ribbon and glass to the other side of the frame, so it couldn’t move. I printed off a calendar that was about 5 3/4” wide (to leave room for the ribbon and frame), and then printed “To Do” on the top of another paper. I taped those onto the glass, and then glued another piece of ribbon down to cover the seam between the 2 pages.

Memo Board (1)

See how it’s coming together?

Finally, I stuck in my fabric covered memo board, and put hot glue on the back, then hurry and stuck on the original cardboard backing to the picture, after making sure everything fit! Smile All done!

Memo Board (1)

Memo Board (1)

Memo Board (3)

Memo Board (6)

I love how it turned out! It can have pushpins and pictures on one side, and then use a wet (or dry) erase marker to write notes and calendar items. It’s great because it’s totally customizable for size, color, design, whatever! I haven’t mentioned who this is for, because there is a chance they’ll read this…Oops!!! An inexpensive, useful gift idea, or make one for yourself! If you make one, I’d love to see how it turns out! Send us a picture!

signature ash


  1. I just love it...I would love for you to share it at my "Anything Goes" Linky party...

  2. I love the colors of the memo board an would love to make something like it.

    I would love to see you link to my linky party at

  3. an would love to make something


Thanks so much for taking a minute to let us know what you think! We read and appreciate all of your comments!