
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crafty Cousins

Hi there!  We’re Ashlee and Natalie, and we are two Crafty Cousins.  Thanks for visiting our little corner of Blog land.  We both love crafting, and at our last family reunion we sat and talked craftiness and ignored our other relatives.  Obsessed?  Yes.  No worries, though.  After a few hours we did go off and mingle with everyone else!  :)

So, let’s start this off with beauty before age.  Meet Ashlee:

Family Pictures by Jessica (35)

The dude in the picture isn’t Ashlee.  It’s her husband, but he is awesome, too.  Ashlee and her hubs run a bakery and they have two gorgeous little girls.  Ashlee is a rock star with her sewing machine and keeps those little girls adorably dressed.  She’s got some fabulous hair bow making skills, too.  Halloween is her favorite holiday and she goes all out with the decorations and her homemade Halloween costumes are nothing short of amazing.  Ashlee is a very talented pianist, but probably will not be posting any piano playing tutorials.  Sorry.  She loves to bargain hunt, coupon, build things, reupholster furniture, and has all kinds of home décor ideas.  She may or may not be addicted to Pinterest.  And shoes.  She has said that there is no such thing as too many shoes; just not enough space.  Amen.  She was performing in a dance recital when she was a little girl and lost her slip onstage infront of everyone.  Embarrassing.  When she was a teenager, she was obsessed with the movie That Thing You Do.  She made Nat a cassette tape of the soundtrack and along with it put a letter (written in many different colors of ink) and wrote exactly where in the movie they sang the song.  Good times!

Meet Natalie:

Olsen1a (2)   

Natalie and her husband have five dashing little boys. Their pets are even boys.  Nat may or may not have called herself a boy on more than one occasion.  Hey.  Don’t judge.  In a world of men, that sort of thing just happens.  She loves sewing, cooking, DIY projects, upcycling junk, spray paint, buttons, quilting, and altering clothing.  Nat hates cross stitching, so don’t be expecting any needle-point tutorials from her!  She loves slobbery baby kisses and slobbery husband kisses.  Kisses from the dog, she can do without.  She has never had a cavity, a manicure or a pedicure.  When Nat and Ash were younger, they would enjoy summer vacations with their totally awesome cousin, Becky.  Love her!  They were painfully sunburned on several occasions.  One Christmas vacation, Nat, Ash, and Becky made up their own cheap Christmas decorations by stringing all their bras together and calling them Christmas lights.  Nat loves the movie That Thing You Do and has all the songs memorized, thanks to Ash.  Every time she watches the movie she thinks of Ash and all the fun childhood memories they had together.

Welp, that about sums it up.  We hope you’ll check back at Crafty Cousins often.  We’ve got all kinds of fun tutorials planned. 

Keep on craftin’!

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